Njoki N. Wane

Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice Education University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Social Sciences Education, Sociology of Education, General
"Njoki Wane"
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Wane NN. (2014) Indigenous African knowledge production: Food-processing practices among Kenyan rural women Indigenous African Knowledge Production: Food-Processing Practices Among Kenyan Rural Women. 1-127
Shahjahan RA, Wagner A, Wane NN. (2009) Rekindling the Sacred: Toward a Decolonizing Pedagogy in Higher Education The Journal of Thought. 44: 59
Wane NN. (2009) Indigenous education and cultural resistance: A decolonizing project Curriculum Inquiry. 39: 159-178
Wane NN. (2009) Black Canadian feminist thought: Perspectives on equity and diversity in the academy Race Ethnicity and Education. 12: 65-77
Wane NN. (2008) Mapping the field of Indigenous knowledges in anti-colonial discourse: A transformative journey in education Race Ethnicity and Education. 11: 183-197
Wane N, Shahjahan RA, Wagner A. (2004) Walking the talk: Decolonizing the politics of equity of knowledge and charting the course for an inclusive curriculum in higher education Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 25: 499-510
Wane NN. (2003) Educating the Other: Taking Charge of Their Dreams Curriculum Inquiry. 33: 321-330
Wane N. (2001) Narratives of Embu Rural Women: Gender Roles and Indigenous Knowledges Gender, Technology and Development. 5: 383-408
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