Joel O. Bocanegra, Ph.D.

2014 Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 
Educational Psychology Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies
"Joel Bocanegra"


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Markeda Newell grad student 2014 UW-Milwaukee
 (Examining the Relationship between Racial/Ethnic Minority Students' Learning Experiences and their Choice of Psychology Specialty: Implications for Minority Recruitment in School Psychology.)
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Schwehr E, Bocanegra JO, Kwon K, et al. (2014) Impact of Children’s Identified Disability Status on Parent and Teacher Behavior Ratings Contemporary School Psychology. 18: 133-142
Lamborn SD, Nguyen J, Bocanegra JO. (2013) Hmong American adolescents' perceptions of mothers' parenting practices: Support, authority, and intergenerational agreement Asian American Journal of Psychology. 4: 50-60
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