Kenneth Leithwood

Theory and Policy Studies in Education University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Administration Education, Leadership Education
"Kenneth Leithwood"
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Leithwood K, Sun J, Schumacker R. (2020) How School Leadership Influences Student Learning: A Test of “The Four Paths Model”: Educational Administration Quarterly. 56: 570-599
Leithwood K, Harris A, Hopkins D. (2020) Seven strong claims about successful school leadership revisited School Leadership & Management. 40: 5-22
Handford V, Leithwood K. (2019) School District Contributions to Students' Math and Language Achievement International Journal of Education. 14
Laitsch D, MacKinnon GR, Young D, et al. (2019) Education Research in the Canadian Context International Journal of Education. 14
Leithwood K, Sun J, McCullough C. (2019) How school districts influence student achievement Journal of Educational Administration. 57: 519-539
Leithwood K. (2019) Characteristics of effective leadership networks: a replication and extension School Leadership & Management. 39: 175-197
Leithwood K, Sun J. (2018) Academic culture: a promising mediator of school leaders’ influence on student learning Journal of Educational Administration. 56: 350-363
Gu Q, Day C, Walker A, et al. (2018) How Successful Secondary School Principals Enact Policy Leadership and Policy in Schools. 17: 327-331
Leithwood K. (2018) Postscript: Five Insights About School Leaders’ Policy Enactment Leadership and Policy in Schools. 17: 391-395
Leithwood K, Azah VN. (2017) Characteristics of High-Performing School Districts Leadership and Policy in Schools. 16: 27-53
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