Maria V. Santelices, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
Tests and Measurements Education, Psychometrics PsychologyGoogle:
"Maria Santelices"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMark Wilson | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley | |
(Differential item functioning in the SAT I: Reasoning Test.) |
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Santelices MV, Zarhi M, Horn C, et al. (2020) Information sources and transition to higher education: Students, teachers and school counselors´ perspectives International Journal of Educational Research. 103: 101617 |
Santelices MV, Horn C, Catalán X. (2019) Institution-Level Admissions Initiatives in Chile: Enhancing Equity in Higher Education?. Studies in Higher Education. 44: 733-761 |
Valenzuela MA, Santelices MV, Horn CL, et al. (2018) Impacto de la Ayuda Financiera en la Persistencia: el Caso de la Universidad de Chile Revista Iberoamericana De EvaluacióN Educativa. 11: 113-132 |
Santelices MV, Catalán X, Horn C, et al. (2018) High School Ranking in University Admissions at a National Level: Theory of Action and Early Results from Chile Higher Education Policy. 31: 159-179 |
Santelices MV, Valencia E, Gonzalez J, et al. (2017) Erratum to: Two teacher quality measures and the role of context: evidence from Chile Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. 29: 147-153 |
Santelices MV, Valencia E, Gonzalez J, et al. (2017) Two teacher quality measures and the role of context: evidence from Chile Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. 29: 111-146 |
Meneses A, Uccelli P, Santelices MV, et al. (2017) Academic Language as a Predictor of Reading Comprehension in Monolingual Spanish-Speaking Readers: Evidence From Chilean Early Adolescents Reading Research Quarterly. 53: 223-247 |
Taut S, Valencia E, Palacios D, et al. (2016) Teacher performance and student learning: linking evidence from two national assessment programmes Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice. 23: 53-74 |
Santelices MV, Galleguillos P, González J, et al. (2015) Un Estudio Sobre la Calidad Docente en Chile: El Rol del Contexto en Donde Enseña el Profesor y Medidas de Valor Agregado Psykhe (Santiago). 24: 1-14 |
Santelices MV, Wilson M. (2015) The revised SAT score and its potential benefits for the admission of minority students to higher education | A pontuação sat corrigida e o seu benefício potencial para estudantes de grupos minoritários no ensino superior | El Puntaje corregido del SAT y sus potenciales beneficios para la admisión de estudiantes minoritarios a la educación superior Education Policy Analysis Archives. 23 |