Theo A. Dillaha

Biological Systems Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydrology
"Theo Dillaha"
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Shreeram Inamdar grad student 1993-1996 Virginia Tech (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
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Habersack MJ, Dillaha TA, Hagedorn C. (2011) Common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) as a source of fecal indicator bacteria in freshwater systems Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 47: 1255-1260
Soupir ML, Mostaghimi S, Dillaha T. (2010) Attachment of Escherichia coli and enterococci to particles in runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality. 39: 1019-27
Krometis LA, Dillaha TA, Love NG, et al. (2009) Evaluation of a filtration/dispersion method for enumeration of particle-associated Escherichia coli. Journal of Environmental Quality. 38: 980-6
Dillaha T. (2009) International soil and water conservation: My experience and how SWCS helped Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 64
Wagner RC, Dillaha TA, Yagow G. (2007) An assessment of the reference watershed approach for TMDLs with biological impairments Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 181: 341-354
Harpold AA, Mostaghimi S, Vlachos PP, et al. (2006) Stream discharge measurement using a large-scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV) prototype Transactions of the Asabe. 49: 1791-1805
Benham BL, Brannan KM, Yagow G, et al. (2005) Development of bacteria and benthic total maximum daily loads: a case study, Linville Creek, Virginia. Journal of Environmental Quality. 34: 1860-72
Zeckoski RW, Benham BL, Shah SB, et al. (2005) BSLC: A tool for bacteria source characterization for watershed management Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21: 879-889
Inamdar SP, Dillaha TA. (2000) Relationships between drainage area, slope length, and slope gradient for riparian slopes in Virginia Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 43: 861-866
Bouraoui F, Dillaha TA. (2000) Answers-2000: Non-point-source nutrient planning model Journal of Environmental Engineering. 126: 1045-1055
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