Thinesh Selvaratnam

Lamar University 
Algal biotechnology, bioremediation
"Thinesh Selvaratnam"
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Dandamudi KPR, Mathew M, Selvaratnam T, et al. (2021) Recycle of nitrogen and phosphorus in hydrothermal liquefaction biochar from Galdieria sulphuraria to cultivate microalgae Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 171: 105644
Pan S, Dixon KL, Nawaz T, et al. (2021) Evaluation of Galdieria sulphuraria for nitrogen removal and biomass production from raw landfill leachate Algal Research. 54: 102183
Rahman A, Agrawal S, Nawaz T, et al. (2020) A Review of Algae-Based Produced Water Treatment for Biomass and Biofuel Production Water. 12: 2351
Nirmalakhandan N, Selvaratnam T, Henkanatte-Gedera S, et al. (2019) Algal wastewater treatment: Photoautotrophic vs. mixotrophic processes Algal Research. 41: 101569
Lammers PJ, Huesemann M, Boeing W, et al. (2017) Review of the cultivation program within the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Algal Research. 22: 166-186
Henkanatte-Gedera S, Selvaratnam T, Karbakhshravari M, et al. (2017) Removal of dissolved organic carbon and nutrients from urban wastewaters by Galdieria sulphuraria: Laboratory to field scale demonstration Algal Research. 24: 450-456
Muppaneni T, Reddy HK, Selvaratnam T, et al. (2016) Hydrothermal liquefaction of Cyanidioschyzon merolae and the influence of catalysts on products. Bioresource Technology. 223: 91-97
Selvaratnam T, Henkanatte-Gedera SM, Muppaneni T, et al. (2016) Maximizing recovery of energy and nutrients from urban wastewaters Energy. 104: 16-23
Reddy HK, Muppaneni T, Ponnusamy S, et al. (2016) Temperature effect on hydrothermal liquefaction of Nannochloropsis gaditana and Chlorella sp Applied Energy. 165: 943-951
Henkanatte-Gedera SM, Selvaratnam T, Caskan N, et al. (2015) Algal-based, single-step treatment of urban wastewaters. Bioresource Technology. 189: 273-8
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