Afshin Zilanawala, Ph.D.

2013 Social Work Columbia University, New York, NY 
Individual and Family Studies, Demography, Women's Studies
"Afshin Zilanawala"


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Julien O. Teitler grad student 2013 Columbia
 (Women's Time Poverty: Differences by Family Structure, Employment, and Gender Ideology.)
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Zilanawala A, Bécares L, Benner A. (2019) Race/ethnic inequalities in early adolescent development in the United Kingdom and United States. Demographic Research. 40: 121-154
Kelly Y, Zilanawala A, Tanton C, et al. (2019) Partnered Intimate Activities in Early Adolescence-Findings From the UK Millennium Cohort Study. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine
Zilanawala A, Sacker A, Kelly Y. (2019) Internalising and externalising behaviour profiles across childhood: The consequences of changes in the family environment. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 226: 207-216
Zilanawala A, Becares L, Benner A. (2019) Race/ethnic inequalities in early adolescent development in the United Kingdom and United States Demographic Research. 40: 121-154
Kelly Y, Zilanawala A, Booker C, et al. (2018) Social Media Use and Adolescent Mental Health: Findings From the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Eclinicalmedicine. 6: 59-68
Nazroo J, Zilanawala A, Chen M, et al. (2018) Socioemotional wellbeing of mixed race/ethnicity children in the UK and US: Patterns and mechanisms. Ssm - Population Health. 5: 147-159
Zilanawala A, Sacker A, Kelly Y. (2017) Longitudinal Latent Cognitive Profiles and Psychosocial Well-being in Early Adolescence. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine
Zilanawala A. (2017) Maternal Nonstandard Work Schedules and Breastfeeding Behaviors. Maternal and Child Health Journal
Zilanawala A, Abell J, Bell S, et al. (2017) Parental nonstandard work schedules during infancy and children’s BMI trajectories Demographic Research. 37: 709-726
Zilanawala A, Kelly Y, Sacker A. (2016) Ethnic differences in longitudinal latent verbal profiles in the millennium cohort study. European Journal of Public Health. 26: 1011-1016
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