Laura Baker, MD, M.Sc.

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
"Laura Baker"
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Brière R, Émond M, Benhamed A, et al. (2023) 2023 Canadian Surgery Forum: Sept. 20-23, 2023. Canadian Journal of Surgery. Journal Canadien De Chirurgie. 66: S54-S136
Lenet T, Baker L, Vered M, et al. (2022) Red blood cell transfusions in liver surgery. The British Journal of Surgery
Lenet T, Baker L, Park L, et al. (2021) A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing Intraoperative Red Blood Cell Transfusion Strategies. Annals of Surgery
Park LJ, Baker L, Smith H, et al. (2021) Passive Versus Active Intra-Abdominal Drainage Following Pancreatic Resection: Does A Superior Drainage System Exist? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. World Journal of Surgery
Bastin DJ, Khan ST, Montroy J, et al. (2021) Safety and efficacy of autologous whole cell vaccines in hematologic malignancies: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hematological Oncology
Baker L, Park L, Gilbert R, et al. (2020) Intraoperative Red Blood Cell Transfusion Decision-Making: A systematic Review of Guidelines. Annals of Surgery
Park L, Gilbert R, Baker L, et al. (2019) The safety and efficacy of hypovolemic phlebotomy on blood loss and transfusion in liver surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hpb : the Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association
Park L, Baker L, Smith H, et al. (2019) Passive versus active intra-abdominal drainage following pancreatic resection: does a superior drainage system exist? A protocol for systematic review. Bmj Open. 9: e031319
Baker L, Park L, Gilbert R, et al. (2019) Guidelines on the intraoperative transfusion of red blood cells: a protocol for systematic review. Bmj Open. 9: e029684
Baker L, Williams L, Winter R, et al. (2019) Influence of adjuvant antibiotics on fistula formation following incision and drainage of anorectal abscesses: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews. 8: 95
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