Predrag Jelenkovic

Electrical Engineering Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Predrag Jelenkovic"


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Petar Momcilovic grad student 2003 Columbia
Ana Radovanovic grad student 2005 Columbia
Xiaozhu Kang grad student 2009 Columbia
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Baryshnikov Y, Coffman EG, Jelenković P. (2004) Space filling and depletion Journal of Applied Probability. 41: 691-702
Jelenković P, Mandelbaum A, Momčilović P. (2004) Heavy Traffic Limits for Queues with Many Deterministic Servers Queueing Systems. 47: 53-69
Jelenković P, Momčilović P, Zwart B. (2004) Reduced Load Equivalence under Subexponentiality Queueing Systems. 46: 97-112
Baryshnikov Y, Coffman E, Jelenković P, et al. (2004) Flood search under the California Split rule Operations Research Letters. 32: 199-206
Jelenkovic P, Momcilovic P. (2003) Large Deviation Analysis of Subexponential Waiting Times in a Processor-Sharing Queue Mathematics of Operations Research. 28: 587-608
Jelenković P, Momčilović P. (2003) Asymptotic loss probability in a finite buffer fluid queue with hetergeneous heavy-tailed on--off processes Annals of Applied Probability. 13: 576-603
Jelenković P, Radovanović A. (2003) Optimizing the LRU algorithm for web caching Teletraffic Science and Engineering. 5: 191-200
Jelenković P, Momčilović P. (2002) Finite buffer queue with generalized processor sharing and heavy-tailed input processes Computer Networks. 40: 433-443
Coffman EG, Jelenković P, Momčilović P. (2002) The dyadic stream merging algorithm Journal of Algorithms. 43: 120-137
Jelenković P, Momčilović P. (2001) Network multiplexer with generalized processor sharing and heavy-tailed on-off flows Teletraffic Science and Engineering. 4: 719-730
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