Aashish S. Phansalkar, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Electrical and Computer Engineering | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
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"Aashish Phansalkar"Parents
Sign in to add mentorLizy K. John | grad student | 2007 | UT Austin | |
(Measuring program similarity for efficient benchmarking and performance analysis of computer systems.) |
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Blackburn SM, McKinley KS, Garner R, et al. (2008) Wake up and smell the coffee: Evaluation methodology for the 21st century Communications of the Acm. 51: 83-89 |
Phansalkar A, Joshi A, John LK. (2007) Subsetting the SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suite Acm Sigarch Computer Architecture News. 35: 69-76 |
Joshi A, Phansalkar A, Eeckhout L, et al. (2006) Measuring benchmark similarity using inherent program characteristics Ieee Transactions On Computers. 55: 769-782 |