Shing C. Tsai, Ph.D.

2007 Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Industrial Engineering, Operations Research
"Shing Tsai"


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Barry Nelson grad student 2007 Northwestern
 (Control -variate methods for selecting the best simulated system.)
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Tsai SC, Lin WH, Wu CC, et al. (2021) Decision support algorithms for optimizing surgery start times considering the performance variation. Health Care Management Science
Tsai SC, Ho I. (2019) Sample average approximation for a two-echelon inventory system with service-level constraints Journal of the Operational Research Society. 70: 675-688
Tsai SC, Chen ST. (2017) A simulation-based multi-objective optimization framework: A case study on inventory management Omega-International Journal of Management Science. 70: 148-159
Tsai SC, Yang T. (2017) Rapid screening algorithms for stochastically constrained problems Annals of Operations Research. 254: 425-447
Tsai SC, Luo J, Sung CC. (2017) Combined variance reduction techniques in fully sequential selection procedures Naval Research Logistics. 64: 502-527
Tsai SC, Liu CH. (2015) A simulation-based decision support system for a multi-echelon inventory problem with service level constraints Computers & Operations Research. 53: 118-127
Tsai SC, Fu SY. (2014) Genetic-algorithm-based simulation optimization considering a single stochastic constraint European Journal of Operational Research. 236: 113-125
Tsai SC. (2013) Rapid Screening Procedures for Zero-One Optimization via Simulation Informs Journal On Computing. 25: 317-331
Tsai SC, Zheng YX. (2013) A simulation optimization approach for a two-echelon inventory system with service level constraints European Journal of Operational Research. 229: 364-374
Tsai SC, Chu I. (2012) Controlled multistage selection procedures for comparison with a standard European Journal of Operational Research. 223: 709-721
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