Manoj K. Jha

2001-2014 Civil Engineering Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, United States 
 2021- Data Science, Analytics, Transportation Advancement Strategy Consulting 
Highway Design, Infrastrucrre Maintenance, Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, machine Learning, Big Data

Dr. Manoj K Jha is a former civil engineering professor at the Morgan State University, now working as the Director of Data Science, Advanced Analytics, and Transportation at the Advancement Strategy Consulting, LLC at Columbia, MD.

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Jha MK. (2020) Impacts of Landscape Changes on Water Resources Water. 12: 2244
Jha MK, Afreen S. (2020) Flooding Urban Landscapes: Analysis Using Combined Hydrodynamic and Hydrologic Modeling Approaches Water. 12: 1986
Assefa T, Jha M, Worqlul AW, et al. (2019) Scaling-Up Conservation Agriculture Production System with Drip Irrigation by Integrating MCE Technique and the APEX Model Water. 11: 2007
Raut RD, Gardas BB, Narkhede BE, et al. (2019) Analysing the challenges in sustainable agricultural supply chain system in India International Journal of Business Excellence. 18: 336
Assefa T, Jha M, Reyes M, et al. (2018) Assessment of Suitable Areas for Home Gardens for Irrigation Potential, Water Availability, and Water-Lifting Technologies Water. 10: 495
Gardas BB, Raut V, Jha MK, et al. (2018) A sustainable warehouse selection: an interpretive structural modelling approach International Journal of Procurement Management. 11: 201
Raut R, Priyadarshinee P, Jha M, et al. (2018) Modeling the implementation barriers of cloud computing adoption Benchmarking: An International Journal. 25: 2760-2782
Ayivi F, Jha MK. (2018) Estimation of water balance and water yield in the Reedy Fork-Buffalo Creek Watershed in North Carolina using SWAT International Soil and Water Conservation Research. 6: 203-213
Kharat MG, Priyadarshinee P, Kamble SS, et al. (2017) To identify the critical success factors for cloud computing adoption by MCDM technique International Journal of Business Information Systems. 24: 469
Narkhede BE, Raut R, Gardas B, et al. (2017) Selection and evaluation of third party logistics service provider (3PLSP) by using an interpretive ranking process (IRP) Benchmarking: An International Journal. 24: 1597-1648
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