Prem B. Parajuli, Ph.D.

2007 Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States 
Environmental Engineering, Agricultural Engineering
"Prem Parajuli"
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Kyle R. Mankin grad student 2007 Kansas State University
 (SWAT bacteria sub-model evaluation and application.)
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Ouyang Y, Huang Y, Parajuli PB, et al. (2023) Projection of Sediment Loading from Pearl River Basin, Mississippi into Gulf of Mexico under a Future Climate with Afforestation. Climate (Basel, Switzerland). 11: 1-13
Ouyang Y, Feng G, Parajuli P, et al. (2022) Assessment of Surface Water Quality in the Big Sunflower River Watershed of Mississippi Delta Using Nonparametric Analysis. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 229: 1-13
Risal A, Parajuli PB, Dash P, et al. (2020) Sensitivity of hydrology and water quality to variation in land use and land cover data Agricultural Water Management. 241: 106366
Ni X, Parajuli PB, Ouyang Y. (2020) Assessing agriculture conservation practice impacts on groundwater levels at watershed scale Water Resources Management. 34: 1553-1566
Risal A, Parajuli PB. (2019) Quantification and simulation of nutrient sources at watershed scale in Mississippi. The Science of the Total Environment. 670: 633-643
Dakhlalla AO, Parajuli PB. (2019) Sensitivity of fecal coliform bacteria transport to climate change in an agricultural watershed Journal of Water and Climate Change
Dakhlalla AO, Parajuli PB. (2019) Assessing model parameters sensitivity and uncertainty of streamflow, sediment, and nutrient transport using SWAT Information Processing in Agriculture. 6: 61-72
Ouyang Y, Parajuli PB, Feng G, et al. (2018) Application of Climate Assessment Tool (CAT) to Estimate Climate Variability Impacts on Nutrient Loading from Local Watersheds. Journal of Hydrology. 563: 363-371
Ni X, Parajuli PB. (2018) Evaluation of the impacts of BMPs and tailwater recovery system on surface and groundwater using satellite imagery and SWAT reservoir function Agricultural Water Management. 210: 78-87
Ouyang Y, Feng G, Parajuli P, et al. (2018) Assessment of Surface Water Quality in the Big Sunflower River Watershed of Mississippi Delta Using Nonparametric Analysis Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 229
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