Hasan Goktas, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2015 | Computer Engineering | The George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States |
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"Hasan Goktas"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMona E. Zaghloul | grad student | 2015 | The George Washington University | |
(Design, Fabrication and Characterization of CMOS-MEMS Novel Resonator with Embedded Heater for Filter, and Temperature Sensor Applications.) |
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Göktaş H, Gökhan FS. (2019) Analysis and Simulation of Forcing the Limits of Thermal Sensing for Microbolometers in CMOS-MEMS Technology. Micromachines. 10 |
Göktaş H. (2019) Towards an Ultra-Sensitive Temperature Sensor for Uncooled Infrared Sensing in CMOS⁻MEMS Technology. Micromachines. 10 |
Goktas H. (2018) Design and Characterization Methodology for Efficient Wide Range Tunable MEMS Filters. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove |
Goktas H, Turner KL, Zaghloul ME. (2017) Enhancement in CMOS-MEMS Resonator for High Sensitive Temperature Sensing Ieee Sensors Journal. 17: 598-603 |
Goktas H, Sorger VJ. (2016) Electroluminescence Enhancement via Grating on a Si-based Plasmonic Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Tunnel Junction Mrs Advances. 1: 1709-1713 |
Göktaş H, Zaghloul ME. (2016) The implementation of low-power and wide tuning range MEMS filters for communication applications Radio Science. 51: 1636-1644 |
Goktas H, Zaghloul ME. (2015) Tuning CMOS-MEMS resonators with embedded heater 2015 1st Ursi Atlantic Radio Science Conference, Ursi At-Rasc 2015 |
Goktas H, Zaghloul ME. (2015) CMOS-MEMS novel resonator for filter tuning Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems. 2015 |
Göktaş H, Zaghloul ME. (2015) Tuning in-plane fixed-fixed beam resonators with embedded heater in CMOS technology Ieee Electron Device Letters. 36: 189-191 |