Michelle L. Eble-Hankins, Ph.D.

2008 Architectural Engineering The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
General Engineering, Architecture, Civil Engineering
"Michelle Eble-Hankins"


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Clarence E. Waters grad student 2008 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Subjective impression of discomfort glare from sources of non-uniform luminance.)
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Waters CE, Alvine S, Eble-Hankins M. (2012) Industry-experienced graduate student program: Innovative collaboration in architectural engineering at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln Journal of Architectural Engineering. 18: 61-63
Eble-Hankins ML, Waters CE. (2009) Illuminance uniformity filter for theatrical lighting fixture Leukos - Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 6: 91-99
Eble-Hankins ML, Waters CE. (2009) The UNL glare apparatus Leukos - Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 6: 79-90
Eble-Hankins ML, Waters CE. (2009) Subjective impression of discomfort glare from sources of non-uniform luminance Leukos - Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 6: 51-77
Eble-Hankins ML, Waters CE. (2004) VCP and UGR glare evaluation systems: A look back and a way forward Leukos - Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 1: 7-38
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