Kathryn E. Plymesser, Ph.D.

2014 Civil Engineering Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 
Civil Engineering, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Water Resource Management, Environmental Engineering
"Kathryn Plymesser"
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Joel Cahoon grad student 2014 Montana State
 (Modeling fish passage and energy expenditure for American shad in a steeppass fishway using a computational fluid dynamics model.)
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Blank MD, Kappenman KM, Plymesser K, et al. (2020) Swimming Performance of Rainbow Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout in an Open-Channel Flume Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 11: 217-225
Cahoon J, Kappenman K, Ryan E, et al. (2018) Swimming Capabilities of Arctic Grayling Northwest Science. 92: 234-239
Plymesser K, Cahoon J. (2017) Pressure gradients in a steeppass fishway using a computational fluid dynamics model Ecological Engineering. 108: 277-283
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