Woo C. Shin, Ph.D.

2007 Stevens Institute of Technology 
Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
"Woo Shin"


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Ronald S. Besser grad student 2007 Stevens Institute of Technology
 (An integrated micro chemical reactor system with effective control strategies.)
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Shin WC, Besser RS. (2007) Toward autonomous control of microreactor system for steam reforming of methanol Journal of Power Sources. 164: 328-335
Shin WC, Besser RS. (2006) A micromachined thin-film gas flow sensor for microchemical reactors Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 16: 731-741
Shin WC, Besser RS. (2006) Process control of micro chemical system for steam reforming reaction Aiche Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
Shah K, Shin WC, Besser RS. (2004) A PDMS micro proton exchange membrane fuel cell by conventional and non-conventional microfabrication techniques Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 97: 157-167
Shah K, Shin WC, Besser RS. (2003) Novel microfabrication approaches for directly patterning PEM fuel cell membranes Journal of Power Sources. 123: 172-181
Besser RS, Shin WC. (2003) Deep reactive ion etching characteristics of a macromachined chemical reactor Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 21: 912-915
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