Shiao L. Beh, Ph.D.

2011 Engineering and Technology Multimedia University (Malaysia) 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Shiao Beh"


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Hoong T. Toh grad student 2011 Multimedia University (Malaysia)
 (Fast local transient solution of micro-channel heat sink using asymptotic waveform evaluation.)
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Quadir GA, Beh SL, Seetharamu KN, et al. (2017) Steady State Finite Element Analysis Of A Single Stack Cold Plate With Heat Losses Asean Journal On Science and Technology For Development. 19: 77-90
Beh SL, Tio KK, Quadir GA, et al. (2009) Fast transient solution of a two-layered counter-flow microchannel heat sink International Journal of Numerical Methods For Heat and Fluid Flow. 19: 595-616
Beh SL, Ooi CK, Quadir GA, et al. (2005) Steady and unsteady thermal analysis of a triple stack cold plate with heat losses International Journal of Numerical Methods For Heat and Fluid Flow. 15: 96-112
Quadir GA, Beh SL, Seetharamu KN, et al. (2003) Steady state finite element analysis of a double stack cold plate with heat losses Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- Und Stoffuebertragung. 39: 519-528
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