Biran Sauser

Engineering Management Executive Stevens Institute of Technology 
General Engineering, System Science Engineering
"Biran Sauser"
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Magnaye R, Sauser B, Patanakul P, et al. (2014) Earned readiness management for scheduling, monitoring and evaluating the development of complex product systems International Journal of Project Management. 32: 1246-1259
Tan W, Sauser BJ, Ramirez-Marquez JE, et al. (2013) Multiobjective optimization in multifunction multicapability system development planning Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part a:Systems and Humans. 43: 785-800
Sarfaraz M, Sauser BJ, Bauer EW. (2012) Using system architecture maturity artifacts to improve technology maturity assessment Procedia Computer Science. 8: 165-170
Baldwin WC, Felder WN, Sauser BJ. (2011) Taxonomy of increasingly complex systems International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 9: 298-316
Tan W, Sauser BJ, Ramirez-Marquez JE. (2011) Analyzing component importance in multifunction multicapability systems developmental maturity assessment Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management. 58: 275-294
Tan W, Ramirez-Marquez J, Sauser B. (2011) A probabilistic approach to system maturity assessment Systems Engineering. 14: 279-293
Sauser B, Boardman J, Verma D. (2010) Systomics: Toward a biology of system of systems Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part a:Systems and Humans. 40: 803-814
Mansouri M, Gorod A, Sauser B. (2010) A typology-based approach to adopting effective management styles for enterprise systems 2010 Ieee International Systems Conference Proceedings, Syscon 2010. 300-305
Erol O, Sauser BJ, Mansouri M. (2010) A framework for investigation into extended enterprise resilience Enterprise Information Systems. 4: 111-136
Magnaye RB, Sauser BJ, Ramirez-Marquez JE. (2010) System development planning using readiness levels in a cost of development minimization model Systems Engineering. 13: 311-323
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