Ismail Fidan
Affiliations: | Electrical Engineering | Tennessee Technological University |
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Hinshaw HJ, Terry S, Fidan I. (2020) Power consumption investigation for fused filament fabricated specimen International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing. 9: 268 |
Fidan I, Russell N, Imeri A, et al. (2020) Investigation of the Tensile Properties in Fiber-Reinforced Additive Manufacturing and Fused Filament Fabrication International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing. 9: 251 |
Nasirov A, Fidan I. (2020) Prediction of mechanical properties of fused filament fabricated structures via asymptotic homogenization Mechanics of Materials. 145: 103372 |
Hasanov S, Gupta A, Nasirov A, et al. (2020) Mechanical characterization of functionally graded materials produced by the fused filament fabrication process Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 58: 923-935 |
Nasirov A, Gupta A, Hasanov S, et al. (2020) Three-scale asymptotic homogenization of short fiber reinforced additively manufactured polymer composites Composites Part B-Engineering. 202: 108269 |
Gupta A, Fidan I, Hasanov S, et al. (2020) Processing, mechanical characterization, and micrography of 3D-printed short carbon fiber reinforced polycarbonate polymer matrix composite material The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 107: 3185-3205 |
Mohammadizadeh M, Imeri A, Fidan I, et al. (2019) 3D printed fiber reinforced polymer composites - Structural analysis Composites Part B-Engineering. 175: 107112 |
Fidan I, Imeri A, Gupta A, et al. (2019) The trends and challenges of fiber reinforced additive manufacturing The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 102: 1801-1818 |
Imeri A, Fidan I, Allen M, et al. (2018) Effect of Fiber Orientation in Fatigue Properties of FRAM Components Procedia Manufacturing. 26: 892-899 |
Mohammadizadeh M, Fidan I, Allen M, et al. (2018) Creep behavior analysis of additively manufactured fiber-reinforced components The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 99: 1225-1234 |