J. S. McClain, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | Miami University (Ohio), Oxford, OH |
Environmental Sciences, Molecular Biology, Ecology BiologyGoogle:
"J. McClain"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJames T. Oris | grad student | 2002 | Miami University | |
(Laboratory characterization and ecological applications of five inducible gene biomarkers of toxicant exposure in rainbow trout (Onchor. mykiss).) |
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Brammell BF, McClain JS, Oris JT, et al. (2010) CYP1A expression in caged rainbow trout discriminates among sites with various degrees of polychlorinated biphenyl contamination. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 58: 772-82 |
McClain JS, Oris JT, Burton GA, et al. (2003) Laboratory and field validation of multiple molecular biomarkers of contaminant exposure in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / Setac. 22: 361-70 |
Levine SL, McClain JS, Oris JT. (2001) Modulation of teleost CYP1A1 activity by EBI fungicides (propiconazole, clotrimazole) and interaction with an organophosphate insecticide Acs Symposium Series. 771: 130-143 |