Murat F. Aycin, Ph.D.

2001 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Civil Engineering, Transportation
"Murat Aycin"


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Rahim F. Benekohal grad student 2001 UIUC
 (Development of a car -following model to simulate driver and autonomous intelligent cruise controlled vehicular traffic flow.)
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Aycin MF. (2006) Simple methodology for evaluating toll plaza operations Transportation Research Record. 92-101
Aycin MF, Benekohal RF. (2001) Stability and performance of car-following models in congested traffic Journal of Transportation Engineering. 127: 2-12
Aycin MF, Benekohal RF. (1999) Comparison of car-following models for simulation Transportation Research Record. 116-127
Benekohal RF, El-Zohairy YM, Forrler E, et al. (1999) Truck Delay and Traffic Conflicts Around Weigh Stations: A Case Study in Illinois Transportation Research Record. 52-60
Benekohal RF, El-Zohairy YM, Forrler E, et al. (1999) Truck Delay and Traffic Conflicts Around Weigh Stations: A Case Study in Illinois Transportation Research Record. 52-60
Aycin MF, Benekohal RF. (1998) Linear acceleration car-following model development and validation Transportation Research Record. 10-19
Aycin MF, Benekohal RF. (1998) Linear acceleration car-following algorithm for Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control Systems (AICCS) Proceedings of the International Conference On Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering. 98-105
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