Sanjeev Chandra

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Mechanical Engineering
"Sanjeev Chandra"
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Devaraj S, Anand B, Gibbons M, et al. (2020) Thermal spray deposition of aluminum and zinc coatings on thermoplastics Surface & Coatings Technology. 399: 126114
Lipson N, Chandra S. (2020) Cooling of porous metal surfaces by droplet impact International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 152: 119494
Feng C, Gibbons M, Marengo M, et al. (2020) A novel ultra-large flat plate heat pipe manufactured by thermal spray Applied Thermal Engineering. 171: 115030
Dalili A, Sidawi K, Chandra S. (2020) Surface coverage by impact of droplets from a monodisperse spray Journal of Coatings Technology and Research. 17: 207-217
Bouchard DJ, Chandra S. (2019) Droplet impact and flow into a gap between parallel plates Physics of Fluids. 31: 62104
Curak M, Saranjam N, Chandra S. (2019) Colour variation in drying paint films Progress in Organic Coatings. 136: 105173
Feng C, Chandra S. (2019) Evaporation of ethanol films wicking on structured, porous coatings deposited on copper plates International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 136: 821-831
Fu Y, Rezaey R, Chandra S, et al. (2018) Corrigendum to ‘An experimental investigation on heat transfer enhancement of sprayed wire-mesh heat exchangers’ [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 112 (2017) 699–708] International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 119: 962
Feng C, Yugeswaran S, Chandra S. (2018) Capillary rise of liquids in thermally sprayed porous copper wicks Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 98: 206-216
Boscariol C, Chandra S, Sarker D, et al. (2018) Drop impact onto attached metallic meshes: liquid penetration and spreading Experiments in Fluids. 59: 189
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