Neil Popplewell

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
Mechanical Engineering
"Neil Popplewell"
Bio: The author wishes to express his appreciation to Professor B.L. Clarkson for his supervision ...


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B. L. Clarkson grad student 1969 University of Southampton
 (Response of box-type structures to sonic booms)
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Bahari A, Lefeuve-Mesgouez G, Mesgouez A, et al. (2020) A comprehensive time-domain elasto-acoustics study of a fluid-filled spherical shell embedded in an elastic medium Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 132: 106002
Stoyko DK, Popplewell N, Shah AH. (2014) Reflection and transmission coefficients from rectangular notches in pipes Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 60: 349-362
Stoyko DK, Popplewell N, Shah AH. (2014) Detecting and describing a notch in a pipe using singularities International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51: 2729-2743
Stoyko DK, Popplewell N, Shah AH. (2010) Finding a pipe's elastic and dimensional properties using ultrasonic guided wave cut-off frequencies Ndt & E International. 43: 568-578
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