Amornvadee Veawab, Ph.D.

2000 The University of Regina (Canada) 
Mining Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Soil Science Agriculture
"Amornvadee Veawab"
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P Tontiwachwuthikul grad student 2000 The University of Regina (Canada)
 (Corrosion and corrosion control in carbon dioxide absorption process using aqueous amine solutions.)
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Habibullah MI, Veawab A. (2023) Cysteine as an Alternative Eco-Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Absorption-Based Carbon Capture Plants. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). 16
Sarker AI, Aroonwilas A, Veawab A. (2017) Equilibrium and Kinetic Behaviour of CO2 Adsorption onto Zeolites, Carbon Molecular Sieve and Activated Carbons Energy Procedia. 114: 2450-2459
Rokanuzzaman M, Veawab A, Aroonwilas A. (2017) Design Method for Layered-bed Adsorption Column for Separation of CO2 and N2 from Natural Gas Energy Procedia. 114: 2441-2449
Gunasekaran P, Veawab A, Aroonwilas A. (2017) Corrosivity of Amine-Based Absorbents for CO2 Capture Energy Procedia. 114: 2047-2054
Philip FA, Veawab A, Aroonwilas A. (2014) Simulation Analysis of Energy Performance of Distillation-, Stripping-, and Flash-Based Methanol Recovery Units for Biodiesel Production Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 53: 12770-12782
Cui Z, Aroonwilas A, Veawab A. (2010) Simultaneous Capture of Mercury and CO2 in Amine-Based CO2 Absorption Process Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 49: 12576-12586
Nainar M, Veawab A. (2009) Corrosion in CO2 Capture Process Using Blended Monoethanolamine and Piperazine Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48: 9299-9306
Aroonwilas A, Veawab A. (2009) Integration of CO2 capture unit using blended MEA–AMP solution into coal-fired power plants Energy Procedia. 1: 4315-4321
Thitakamol B, Veawab A, Aroonwilas A. (2009) Foaming in amine-based CO2 capture process: Experiment, modeling and simulation Energy Procedia. 1: 1381-1386
Nainar M, Veawab A. (2009) Corrosion in CO2 capture unit using MEA-piperazine blends Energy Procedia. 1: 231-235
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