Ricardo O. Foschi

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Civil Engineering, Applied Mechanics
"Ricardo Foschi"
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Liu J, Lam F, Foschi RO, et al. (2020) Modeling the Coupling Effect of CLT Connections under Biaxial Loading Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 146: 4020040
Lim H, Lam F, Foschi RO, et al. (2017) Modeling Load-Displacement Hysteresis Relationship of a Single-Shear Nail Connection Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce. 143: 4017015
Möller O, Foschi RO, Ascheri JP, et al. (2015) Optimization for performance-based design under seismic demands, including social costs Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. 14: 315-328
Li M, Foschi RO, Lam F. (2012) Modeling Hysteretic Behavior of Wood Shear Walls with a Protocol-Independent Nail Connection Algorithm Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 138: 99-108
Li M, Lam F, Foschi RO, et al. (2012) Seismic performance of post-and-beam timber buildings II: reliability evaluations Journal of Wood Science. 58: 135-143
Li M, Lam F, Foschi RO, et al. (2012) Seismic performance of post and beam timber buildings I: model development and verification Journal of Wood Science. 58: 20-30
Wang JB, Lam F, Foschi RO. (2012) Duration-of-load and creep effects in strand-based wood composite: experimental research Wood Science and Technology. 46: 361-373
Wang JB, Foschi RO, Lam F. (2012) Duration-of-load and creep effects in strand-based wood composite: a creep-rupture model Wood Science and Technology. 46: 375-391
Möller O, Foschi RO, Rubinstein M, et al. (2010) Estimating structural seismic vulnerability: an approach using response neural networks Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 6: 63-75
Li M, Lam F, Foschi RO. (2009) Seismic Reliability Analysis of Diagonal-Braced and Structural-Panel-Sheathed Wood Shear Walls Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 135: 587-596
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