Maud Pinier, Ph.D.

2011 Faculte de pharmacie Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 
"Maud Pinier"


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Jean-Christophe Leroux grad student 2011 Université de Montréal
 (Une nouvelle strategie de traitement de la maladie coeliaque basee sur les polymeres sequestrants.)
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Pinier M, Fuhrmann G, Galipeau HJ, et al. (2012) The copolymer P(HEMA-co-SS) binds gluten and reduces immune response in gluten-sensitized mice and human tissues. Gastroenterology. 142: 316-25.e1-12
Pinier M, Fuhrmann G, Verdu E, et al. (2011) Corrigendum: Prevention Measures and Exploratory Pharmacological Treatments of Celiac Disease American Journal of Gastroenterology. 106: 375
Pinier M, Fuhrmann G, Verdu EF, et al. (2010) Prevention measures and exploratory pharmacological treatments of celiac disease. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 105: 2551-61; quiz 2562
Liang L, Pinier M, Leroux JC, et al. (2010) Interaction of alpha-gliadin with polyanions: design considerations for sequestrants used in supportive treatment of celiac disease. Biopolymers. 93: 418-28
Pinier M, Fuhrmann G, Verdu E, et al. (2010) What's Hot in the Red Journal The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 105: 2517-2519
Pinier M, Verdu EF, Nasser-Eddine M, et al. (2009) Polymeric binders suppress gliadin-induced toxicity in the intestinal epithelium. Gastroenterology. 136: 288-98
Liang L, Pinier M, Leroux JC, et al. (2009) Interaction of alpha-gliadin with poly(HEMA-co-SS): structural characterization and biological implication. Biopolymers. 91: 169-78
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