Lahcen Saydy
Affiliations: | Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada) |
Electronics and Electrical EngineeringGoogle:
"Lahcen Saydy"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorEyad H. Abed | grad student | 1988 | University of Maryland | |
André Tits | grad student | 1988 | University of Maryland | |
(Studies in Robust Stability.) |
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Saydy L, Tits AL, Abed EH. (1991) Maximal range for generalized stability-application to physically motivated examples International Journal of Control. 53: 837-845 |
Saydy L, Tits AL, Abed EH. (1990) Guardian maps and the generalized stability of parametrized families of matrices and polynomials Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems. 3: 345-371 |