C.W.W Ng
Affiliations: | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
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"C.W.W Ng"
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Ng CWW, Yan WH, Tsim KWK, et al. (2022) Effects of and as the soil amendment. Heliyon. 8: e11674 |
Ng CWW, Cai W, So PS, et al. (2022) Effects of biochar on shear strength of completely decomposed granite. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International |
Bordoloi S, Ni J, Ng CWW. (2020) Soil desiccation cracking and its characterization in vegetated soil: A perspective review. The Science of the Total Environment. 729: 138760 |
Ng CWW, Ni JJ, Leung AK. (2020) Effects of plant growth and spacing on soil hydrological changes: a field study Geotechnique. 70: 867-881 |
Ng CWW, Wang ZJ, Ni JJ. (2020) Effects of Plant Morphology on Root-soil Hydraulic Interactions of Schefflera Heptaphylla Canadian Geotechnical Journal |
Ng CWW, Akinniyi DB, Zhou C. (2020) Experimental study of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a compacted lateritic sandy lean clay Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 1-9 |
Ng CWW, Chowdhury N, Wong JTF. (2020) Effects of ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) on hydrological responses of Cd-contaminated soil planted with a herbal medicinal plant (Pinellia ternata) Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 57: 673-682 |
Choi CE, Ng CWW, Liu H, et al. (2020) Interaction between dry granular flow and rigid barrier with basal clearance: analytical and physical modelling Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 57: 236-245 |
Ng CWW, Sadeghi H, Jafarzadeh F, et al. (2020) Effect of microstructure on shear strength and dilatancy of unsaturated loess at high suctions Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 57: 221-235 |
Feng S, Leung AK, Liu HW, et al. (2020) Modelling microbial growth and biomass accumulation during methane oxidation in unsaturated soil Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 57: 189-204 |