Canan G. Guleryuz, Ph.D.

2009 University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States 
Mechanical Engineering
"Canan Guleryuz"


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James E. Kraznowski grad student 2009 UNH
 (Fabrication and tribology of composite coatings incorporating solid lubricant micro-reservoirs.)
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Guleryuz CG, Krzanowski JE. (2010) Mechanisms of self-lubrication in patterned TiN coatings containing solid lubricant microreservoirs Surface & Coatings Technology. 204: 2392-2399
Guleryuz CG, Krzanowski JE, Veldhuis SC, et al. (2009) Machining performance of TiN coatings incorporating indium as a solid lubricant Surface & Coatings Technology. 203: 3370-3376
Zimmerman JH, Guleryuz CG, Krzanowski JE. (2008) Fabrication and tribological properties of titanium nitride coatings incorporating solid lubricant microreservoirs Surface and Coatings Technology. 202: 2023-2032
Guleryuz CG, Krzanowski J. (2007) Patterning of Hard Coatings for Incorporation of Solid Lubricant Microreservoirs Mrs Proceedings. 1054
Say EC, Civelek A, Nobecourt A, et al. (2003) Wear and microhardness of different resin composite materials. Operative Dentistry. 28: 628-34
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