Thomas G. Lechler

Howe School of Technology Management Stevens Institute of Technology 
Management Business Administration, System Science Engineering
"Thomas Lechler"
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Lechler TG, Yang S. (2017) Exploring the Role of Project Management in the Development of the Academic Agile Software Discourse: A Bibliometric Analysis: Project Management Journal. 48: 3-18
Lechler TG, Thomas JL. (2015) Examining new product development project termination decision quality at the portfolio level: Consequences of dysfunctional executive advocacy International Journal of Project Management. 33: 1452-1463
Ronen B, Lechler TG, Stohr EA. (2012) The 25/25 rule: Achieving more by doing less International Journal of Production Research. 50: 7126-7133
Lechler TG, Edington BH, Gao T. (2012) Challenging classic project management: Turning project uncertainties into business opportunities Project Management Journal. 43: 59-69
Lechler TG, Dvir D. (2010) An alternative taxonomy of project management structures: Linking project management structures and project success Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management. 57: 198-210
Aronson ZH, Lechler TG. (2009) Contributing beyond the call of duty: Examining the role of culture in fostering citizenship behavior and success in project-based work R and D Management. 39: 444-460
Cooke‐Davies TJ, Crawford LH, Lechler TG. (2009) Project management systems: Moving project management from an operational to a strategic discipline Project Management Journal. 40: 110-123
Lechler TG, Cohen M. (2009) Exploring the role of steering committees in realizing value from project management Project Management Journal. 40: 42-54
Fallah MH, Lechler TG. (2008) Global innovation performance: Strategic challenges for multinational corporations Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - Jet-M. 25: 58-74
Koeller CT, Lechler TG. (2006) Economic and managerial perspectives on new venture growth: An integrated analysis Small Business Economics. 26: 427-437
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