Daiva Daugelaite, Ph.D.

2012 Food and Nutritional Sciences University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
Food Science and Technology Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering
"Daiva Daugelaite"


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Martin Scanlon grad student 2012 University of Manitoba
 (Time dependent studies of foam stability using image analysis, electrical resistivity and ultrasound.)
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Strybulevych A, Diep S, Daugelaite D, et al. (2019) Velocity and attenuation analysis methods for characterizing the properties of wheat flour noodle dough Cereal Chemistry. 96: 647-654
Daugelaite D, Strybulevych A, Norisuye T, et al. (2017) Frozen Convenience Noodles: Use of Ultrasound to Study the Influence of Preparation Methods on Their Rheological Parameters Cereal Chemistry. 94: 892-896
Daugelaite D, Strybulevych A, Scanlon MG, et al. (2016) Use of Ultrasound to Investigate Glucose Oxidase and Storage Effects on the Rheological Properties of Cooked Asian Noodles Cereal Chemistry. 93: 125-129
Daugelaite D, Guillermic R-, Scanlon MG, et al. (2016) Quantifying liquid drainage in egg-white sucrose foams by resistivity measurements Colloids and Surfaces a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 489: 241-248
Diep S, Daugelaite D, Strybulevych A, et al. (2014) Use of ultrasound to discern differences in Asian noodles prepared across wheat classes and between varieties Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 94: 525-534
Hatcher DW, Salimi A, Daugelaite D, et al. (2014) Application of Ultrasound to the Evaluation of Rheological Properties of Raw Asian Noodles Fortified with Barley β-Glucan Journal of Texture Studies. 45: 220-225
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