Kamran Kardel

2013-2016 Department of Manufacturing Engineering Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, United States 
"Kamran Kardel"
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Khoshkhoo A, Carrano AL, Blersch DM, et al. (2019) Engineering of bio-mimetic substratum topographies for enhanced early colonization of filamentous algae. Plos One. 14: e0219150
Ekong J, Blersch DM, Kardel K, et al. (2019) Influence of three-dimensional features of a woven-fabric substrate on benthic algal biomass production Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 44: 101661
Kardel K, Blersch DM, Carrano AL. (2018) Custom Design of Substratum Topography Increases Biomass Yield in Algal Turf Scrubbers Environmental Engineering Science. 35
Elliott O, Gray S, McClay M, et al. (2017) Design and Manufacturing of High Surface Area 3D-Printed Media for Moving Bed Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. 160: 144-156
Blersch DM, Kardel K, Carrano AL, et al. (2017) Customized 3D-printed surface topography governs species attachment preferences in a fresh water periphyton community Algal Research. 21: 52-57
Kardel K, Ghaednia H, Carrano AL, et al. (2017) Experimental and theoretical modeling of behavior of 3D-printed polymers under collision with a rigid rod Additive Manufacturing. 14: 87-94
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