Paul Seybold

Chemistry Wright State University, Fairborn, OH, United States 
"Paul Seybold"
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Holt RA, Seybold PG. (2022) Computational Estimation of the Acidities of Pyrimidines and Related Compounds. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 27
Baldasare CA, Seybold PG. (2020) Computational Estimation of the Gas-Phase and Aqueous Acidities of Carbon Acids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Geremia KL, Seybold PG. (2019) Computational estimation of the acidities of purines and indoles. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 25: 12
Peterangelo SC, Seybold PG. (2017) Modeling molecular boiling points using computed interaction energies. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 24: 21
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