M. Hadi Baaj
Affiliations: | 1990 | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
"M. Baaj"
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Baaj MH, El-Fadel M, Shazbak SM, et al. (2001) Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: A Practical Application Journal of Urban Planning and Development-Asce. 127: 169-180 |
Shih MC, Mahmassani HS, Baaj MH. (1997) Trip assignment model for timed-transfer transit systems Transportation Research Record. 24-30 |
Baaj MH, Ashur S, Anwar A. (1996) Transportation Analysis For Sludge Landfill Site Selection. A Case Study Demonstration Transportation. 23: 191-209 |
Baaj MH, Mahmassani HS. (1991) An Ai-Based Approach For Transit Route System Planning And Design Journal of Advanced Transportation. 25: 187-209 |
Mahmassani HS, Baaj MH, Tong CC. (1988) Characterization and evolution of spatial density patterns in urban areas Transportation. 15: 233-256 |