Mauricio Sarabia-Vallejos

2015-2021 Ing. Biológica y Médica Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile 
"Mauricio Sarabia-Vallejos"
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Sarabia-Vallejos MA, De la Fuente SR, Tapia P, et al. (2024) Development of Biocompatible Digital Light Processing Resins for Additive Manufacturing Using Visible Light-Induced RAFT Polymerization. Polymers. 16
Sarabia-Vallejos MA, Ayala-Jeria P, Hurtado DE. (2021) Three-Dimensional Whole-Organ Characterization of the Regional Alveolar Morphology in Normal Murine Lungs. Frontiers in Physiology. 12: 755468
Hurtado DE, Erranz B, Lillo F, et al. (2020) Progression of regional lung strain and heterogeneity in lung injury: assessing the evolution under spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation. Annals of Intensive Care. 10: 107
Cruces P, Erranz B, Lillo F, et al. (2019) Mapping regional strain in anesthetised healthy subjects during spontaneous ventilation. Bmj Open Respiratory Research. 6: e000423
Sarabia-Vallejos MA, Zuñiga M, Hurtado DE. (2019) The role of three-dimensionality and alveolar pressure in the distribution and amplification of alveolar stresses. Scientific Reports. 9: 8783
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