Sergei A. Tretyakov, Ph.D.

1980-2000 Department of Radiophysics Saint Petersburg State Technical University 
 2000- Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering Aalto University, Espoo, Finland 
Electromagnetic field theory, complex media electromagnetics, metamaterials, and microwave engineering
"Sergei Tretyakov"
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Wang X, Mirmoosa MS, Asadchy VS, et al. (2023) Metasurface-based realization of photonic time crystals. Science Advances. 9: eadg7541
Xiao Z, Ra'di Y, Tretyakov S, et al. (2020) Erratum to "Microwave Tunneling and Robust Information Transfer Based on Parity-Time-Symmetric Absorber-Emitter Pairs". Research (Washington, D.C.). 2020: 3246023
Xiao Z, Ra'di Y, Tretyakov S, et al. (2019) Microwave Tunneling and Robust Information Transfer Based on Parity-Time-Symmetric Absorber-Emitter Pairs. Research (Washington, D.C.). 2019: 7108494
Díaz-Rubio A, Li J, Shen C, et al. (2019) Power flow-conformal metamirrors for engineering wave reflections. Science Advances. 5: eaau7288
Wang X, Díaz-Rubio A, Asadchy VS, et al. (2018) Extreme Asymmetry in Metasurfaces via Evanescent Fields Engineering: Angular-Asymmetric Absorption. Physical Review Letters. 121: 256802
Li J, Shen C, Díaz-Rubio A, et al. (2018) Systematic design and experimental demonstration of bianisotropic metasurfaces for scattering-free manipulation of acoustic wavefronts. Nature Communications. 9: 1342
Díaz-Rubio A, Asadchy VS, Elsakka A, et al. (2017) From the generalized reflection law to the realization of perfect anomalous reflectors. Science Advances. 3: e1602714
Tretyakov S, Alitalo P, Luukkonen O, et al. (2009) Broadband electromagnetic cloaking of long cylindrical objects. Physical Review Letters. 103: 103905
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