Amr Mohammed

2017 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
"Amr Mohammed"
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Torres P, Mohammed A, Torelló À, et al. (2018) Collective thermal transport in pure and alloy semiconductors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Das SR, Mohammed AM, Maize K, et al. (2016) Evidence of Universal Temperature Scaling in Self-heated Percolating Networks. Nano Letters
Mohammed AM, Koh YR, Vermeersch B, et al. (2015) Fractal Lévy Heat Transport in Nanoparticle Embedded Semiconductor Alloys. Nano Letters. 15: 4269-73
Yang H, Bahk JH, Day T, et al. (2015) Enhanced thermoelectric properties in bulk nanowire heterostructure-based nanocomposites through minority carrier blocking. Nano Letters. 15: 1349-55
Yang H, Bahk JH, Day T, et al. (2014) Composition modulation of Ag2Te nanowires for tunable electrical and thermal properties. Nano Letters. 14: 5398-404
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