People with institution matching "IIT Guwahati": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Kamlesh Badiyari (Info) IIT Guwahati nallam 2021‑02‑26
Sumantra Chaudhuri (Info) IIT Guwahati Lumina 2023‑11‑11
Indrajit Das (Info) IIT Guwahati nallam 2021‑02‑26
Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum (Info) IIT Guwahati Printed and dielectric resonator antennas Passive microwave devices Spatial modulation based MIMO wireless communications Cooperative communications Optical wireless communications Lumina 2020‑12‑30
Nagarjuna Nallam (Info) IIT Guwahati Analog Integrated Circuits nallam 2021‑02‑26
Ramanand Sagar Sangam (Info) IIT Guwahati Lumina 2023‑11‑11
Prateek Kumar Sharma (Info) IIT Guwahati nallam 2021‑02‑26
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