Jessica H. Whiteside, Ph.D.

2006 Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Jessica Whiteside"


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Paul E. Olsen grad student 2006 Columbia
 (Catastrophic, climatic, and biotic modulation of ecosystem evolution.)
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Landwehrs J, Feulner G, Willeit M, et al. (2022) Modes of Pangean lake level cyclicity driven by astronomical climate pacing modulated by continental position and pCO[Formula: see text]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2203818119
Olsen P, Sha J, Fang Y, et al. (2022) Arctic ice and the ecological rise of the dinosaurs. Science Advances. 8: eabo6342
Fox CP, Cui X, Whiteside JH, et al. (2020) Molecular and isotopic evidence reveals the end-Triassic carbon isotope excursion is not from massive exogenous light carbon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Hull PM, Bornemann A, Penman DE, et al. (2020) On impact and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Science (New York, N.Y.). 367: 266-272
Stokke EW, Jones MT, Tierney JE, et al. (2020) Temperature changes across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum – a new high-resolution TEX86 temperature record from the Eastern North Sea Basin Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 544: 116388
Kuma R, Hasegawa H, Yamamoto K, et al. (2019) Biogenically induced bedded chert formation in the alkaline palaeo-lake of the Green River Formation. Scientific Reports. 9: 16448
Olsen PE, Laskar J, Kent DV, et al. (2019) Mapping Solar System chaos with the Geological Orrery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Holtvoeth J, Whiteside JH, Engels S, et al. (2019) The paleolimnologist's guide to compound-specific stable isotope analysis – An introduction to principles and applications of CSIA for Quaternary lake sediments Quaternary Science Reviews. 207: 101-133
McKay R, Exon N, Müller D, et al. (2018) Developing community-based scientific priorities and new drilling proposals in the southern Indian and southwestern Pacific oceans Scientific Drilling. 24: 61-70
Olsen PE, Geissman JW, Kent DV, et al. (2018) Colorado Plateau Coring Project, Phase I (CPCP-I): a continuously cored, globally exportable chronology of Triassic continental environmental change from western North America Scientific Drilling. 24: 15-40
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