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Laura F. Galloway, PhD

Biology University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Ecological Genetics
"Laura Galloway"

B.A., Oberlin College, 1984
Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1994 Advisor: Maureen Stanton
Postdoctoral, University of Maryland, 1994-1996 w/ Charlie Fenster


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Maureen L. Stanton grad student 1994
Charles B. Fenster post-doc 1996


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Ray H B Watson grad student UVA
Linda M. Johnson grad student 2003 UVA
Daniela L. Bell grad student 2004 UVA
Kevin S. Burgess grad student 2006 UVA
Nicholas K. Priest grad student 2006 UVA
Can Dai grad student 2011 UVA
Francis F. Kilkenny grad student 2011 UVA
Holly R. Prendeville grad student 2014 UVA
Karen B. Kubow grad student 2015 UVA
Brittany L. Sutherland grad student 2011-2017 UVA
Antoine Perrier post-doc 2021- UVA
Julie R. Etterson post-doc 2002 UVA (FlyTree)
Brian C. Barringer post-doc 2009 UVA
Matthew H. Koski post-doc 2015-2018 UVA


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Katy D. Heath collaborator UIUC
Joel W. McGlothlin collaborator
BETA: Related publications


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Koski MH, Galloway LF, Busch JW. (2022) Hybrid breakdown is elevated near the historical cores of a species' range. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 289: 20220070
Sutherland BL, Galloway LF. (2021) Variation in heteroploid reproduction and gene flow across a polyploid complex: One size does not fit all. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 9676-9688
Prior CJ, Layman NC, Koski MH, et al. (2020) Westward range expansion from middle latitudes explains the Mississippi River discontinuity in a forest herb of eastern North America. Molecular Ecology
Sutherland BL, Miranda-Katz T, Galloway LF. (2020) Strength in numbers? Cytotype frequency mediates effect of reproductive barriers in mixed-ploidy arrays. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Koski MH, Galloway LF. (2020) Geographic Variation in Floral Color and Reflectance Correlates With Temperature and Colonization History. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 991
Koski MH, Berardi A, Galloway LF. (2020) Pollen color morphs take different paths to fitness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Koski MH, Layman NC, Prior CJ, et al. (2019) Selfing ability and drift load evolve with range expansion. Evolution Letters. 3: 500-512
Koski MH, Galloway LF, Busch JW. (2019) Pollen limitation and autonomous selfing ability interact to shape variation in outcrossing rate across a species range. American Journal of Botany
Ison JL, Tuan ESL, Koski MH, et al. (2018) The role of pollinator preference in the maintenance of pollen colour variation. Annals of Botany
Sutherland BL, Galloway LF. (2018) Effects of glaciation and whole genome duplication on the distribution of the Campanula rotundifolia polyploid complex. American Journal of Botany
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