
Dan Warner, Ph.D.

Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
"Dan Warner"
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Warner DA, Mitchell TS, Bodensteiner BL, et al. (2020) Sex and Incubation Temperature Independently Affect Embryonic Development and Offspring Size in a Turtle with Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology : Pbz. 93: 62-74
Janzen FJ, Delaney DM, Mitchell TS, et al. (2019) Do covariances between maternal behavior and embryonic physiology drive sex-ratio evolution under environmental sex determination? The Journal of Heredity
Bodensteiner BL, Warner DA, Iverson JB, et al. (2019) Geographic variation in thermal sensitivity of early life traits in a widespread reptile. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 2791-2802
Lloyd RB, Warner DA. (2019) Maternal nest-site choice does not affect egg hatching success in an invasive turtle population Behaviour. 156: 265-285
Carter AL, Bodensteiner BL, Iverson JB, et al. (2019) Breadth of the thermal response captures individual and geographic variation in temperatureā€dependent sex determination Functional Ecology. 33: 1928-1939
Hall JM, Buckelew A, Lovern M, et al. (2018) Seasonal Shifts in Reproduction Depend on Prey Availability for an Income Breeder. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology : Pbz. 91: 1129-1147
Hall JM, Warner DA. (2018) Thermal spikes from the urban heat island increase mortality and alter physiology of lizard embryos. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 221
Noble DWA, Stenhouse V, Riley JL, et al. (2018) A comprehensive database of thermal developmental plasticity in reptiles. Scientific Data. 5: 180138
Mitchell TS, Janzen FJ, Warner DA. (2018) Quantifying the effects of embryonic phenotypic plasticity on adult phenotypes in reptiles: A review of current knowledge and major gaps. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part a, Ecological and Integrative Physiology
While GM, Noble DWA, Uller T, et al. (2018) Patterns of developmental plasticity in response to incubation temperature in reptiles. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part a, Ecological and Integrative Physiology
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