Kazuharu Ohashi

Graduate School of Life and Sciences University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan 
floral adaptations to animal pollinators
"Kazuharu Ohashi"
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Funamoto D, Ohashi K. (2017) Hidden floral adaptation to nocturnal moths in an apparently bee-pollinated flower, Adenophora triphylla var. japonica (Campanulaceae). Plant Biology. 19: 767-774
Makino TT, Ohashi K. (2017) Honest signals to maintain a long‐lasting relationship: floral colour change prevents plant‐level avoidance by experienced pollinators Functional Ecology. 31: 831-837
Ohashi K, Makino TT, Arikawa K. (2015) Floral colour change in the eyes of pollinators: testing possible constraints and correlated evolution Functional Ecology. 29: 1144-1155
Suzuki MF, Ohashi K. (2014) How does a floral colour‐changing species differ from its non‐colour‐changing congener? – a comparison of trait combinations and their effects on pollination Functional Ecology. 28: 549-560
Ohashi K, Leslie A, Thomson JD. (2013) Trapline foraging by bumble bees: VII. Adjustments for foraging success following competitor removal Behavioral Ecology. 24: 768-778
Ohashi K, Thomson JD. (2013) Trapline foraging by bumble bees: VI. Behavioral alterations under speed-accuracy trade-offs Behavioral Ecology. 24: 182-189
Ohashi K, D’Souza D, Thomson JD. (2010) An automated system for tracking and identifying individual nectar foragers at multiple feeders Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 64: 891-897
Ohashi K, Thomson JD. (2009) Trapline foraging by pollinators: its ontogeny, economics and possible consequences for plants. Annals of Botany. 103: 1365-78
Ohashi K, Leslie A, Thomson JD. (2008) Trapline foraging by bumble bees: V. Effects of experience and priority on competitive performance Behavioral Ecology. 19: 936-948
Kawaguchi LG, Ohashi K, Toquenaga Y. (2007) Contrasting responses of bumble bees to feeding conspecifics on their familiar and unfamiliar flowers. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 274: 2661-7
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