Abderrahim Maazouz

Villeurbanne, INSA 
"Abderrahim Maazouz"


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Jean-François Gérard grad student 1993 Villeurbanne, INSA
 (Mecanismes de renforcement d'un systeme epoxy par des elastomeres (reactifs ou preformes) et/ou des microbilles de verre)
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Jaouadi N, Jaziri M, Maazouz A, et al. (2023) Biosourced Multiphase Systems Based on Poly(Lactic Acid) and Polyamide 11 from Blends to Multi-Micro/Nanolayer Polymers Fabricated with Forced-Assembly Multilayer Coextrusion. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24
Li J, Maazouz A, Lamnawar K. (2023) Unveiling the restricted mobility of carbon nanotubes inside a long chain branched polymer matrix probing the shear flow effects on the rheological and electrical properties of the filled systems. Soft Matter
Jaouadi N, Al-Itry R, Maazouz A, et al. (2023) Biaxial Orientation of PLA/PBAT/Thermoplastic Cereal Flour Sheets: Structure-Processing-Property Relationships. Polymers. 15
Qiao H, Maazouz A, Lamnawar K. (2022) Study of Morphology, Rheology, and Dynamic Properties toward Unveiling the Partial Miscibility in Poly(lactic acid)-Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Blends. Polymers. 14
Lamnawar K, Maazouz A. (2022) Rheology and Processing of Polymers. Polymers. 14
Lu B, Zhang H, Maazouz A, et al. (2021) Interfacial Phenomena in Multi-Micro-/Nanolayered Polymer Coextrusion: A Review of Fundamental and Engineering Aspects. Polymers. 13
Cabrera G, Touil I, Masghouni E, et al. (2021) Multi-Micro/Nanolayer Films Based on Polyolefins: New Approaches from Eco-Design to Recycling. Polymers. 13
Wang J, Adami D, Lu B, et al. (2020) Multiscale Structural Evolution and Its Relationship to Dielectric Properties of Micro-/Nano-Layer Coextruded PVDF-HFP/PC Films. Polymers. 12
Lu B, Lamnawar K, Maazouz A, et al. (2018) Critical role of interfacial diffusion and diffuse interphases formed in multi micro-/nanolayered polymer films based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(methyl methacrylate). Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Lu B, Lamnawar K, Maazouz A. (2017) Rheological and dynamic insights into an in situ reactive interphase with graft copolymers in multilayered polymer systems. Soft Matter
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