Benjamin Pelissie, Ph.D.

"Benjamin Pelissie"


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Patrice David grad student 2007-2010 CEFE, Montpellier, France
Philippe Jarne grad student 2007-2010 CEFE, Montpellier, France
 (Sélection sexuelle et hermaphrodisme : approche expérimentale quantitative chez le gastéropode d'eau douce Physa acuta.)
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Bonel N, Noël E, Janicke T, et al. (2018) Asymmetric evolutionary responses to sex-specific selection in a hermaphrodite. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Pélissié B, Crossley MS, Cohen ZP, et al. (2018) Rapid evolution in insect pests: the importance of space and time in population genomics studies. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 26: 8-16
Pélissié B, Piou C, Jourdan-Pineau H, et al. (2016) Extra Molting and Selection on Nymphal Growth in the Desert Locust. Plos One. 11: e0155736
Noël E, Chemtob Y, Janicke T, et al. (2016) Reduced mate availability leads to evolution of self-fertilization and purging of inbreeding depression in a hermaphrodite. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Auld JR, Jarne P, Sarda V, et al. (2014) Evaluating the contributions of change in investment and change in efficiency to age-related declines in male and female reproduction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 27: 1837-48
Pélissié B, Jarne P, Sarda V, et al. (2014) Disentangling precopulatory and postcopulatory sexual selection in polyandrous species. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 68: 1320-31
Pélissié B, Jarne P, David P. (2012) Sexual selection without sexual dimorphism: Bateman gradients in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 66: 66-81
Malausa T, Pélissié B, Piveteau V, et al. (2008) Differences in oviposition behaviour of two sympatric sibling species of the genus Ostrinia. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 98: 193-201
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