Alison M. Hamilton
Affiliations: | 2011-2013 | Vertebrate Zoology | National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, United States |
"Alison Hamilton"Parents
Sign in to add mentorChristopher C. Austin | grad student | 2008 | Louisiana State | |
(Species Boundaries, Biogeography, and Intra-Archipelago Genetic Variation Within the Emoia Samoensis Species Group in the Vanuatu Archipelago and Oceania) | ||||
Kevin de Queiroz | post-doc | 2011-2013 | National Museum of Natural History | |
(Peter Buck Postdoctoral Fellow) |
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Freedman AH, Harrigan RJ, Zhen Y, et al. (2023) Evidence for Ecotone Speciation Across an African Rainforest-Savanna Gradient. Molecular Ecology |
Goldberg SR, Bursey CR, Hamilton AM, et al. (2014) Gastrointestinal helminths in two species of geckos, gekko vittatus, gehyra oceanica, and five species of skinks, caledoniscincus atropunctatus, Emoia cyanogaster, Emoia erronan, Emoia nigra, Emoia sanfordi (Squamata) from the republic of Vanuatu, Oceania Comparative Parasitology. 81: 67-74 |
Eckstut ME, Hamilton AM, Austin CC. (2013) Variable unisexuals and uniform bisexuals: Morphology, genetics, and biogeography of the nactus pelagicus complex on Tanna Island, Vanuatu Herpetologica. 69: 199-213 |
Zug GR, Ineich I, Pregill G, et al. (2012) Lizards of Tonga with description of a new Tongan Treeskink (Squamata: Scincidae: Emoia samoensis Group) Pacific Science. 66: 225-237 |
Zug GR, Hamilton AM, Austin CC. (2011) A new emoia samoensis group lizard (Squamata: Scincidae) from the cook Islands, South-central pacific Zootaxa. 47-57 |
Goldberg SR, Bursey CR, Hamilton AM, et al. (2011) Gastrointestinal helminth communities of two gekkonid lizard species, Nactus multicarinatus and Nactus pelagicus (Squamata: Gekkonidae), from the Republic of Vanuatu, Oceania Journal of Natural History. 45: 1983-1993 |
Bursey CR, Goldberg SR, Hamilton AM, et al. (2010) A new species of Falcaustra (Nematoda: Kathlaniidae) in Nactus pelagicus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Tanna Island, Vanuatu. The Journal of Parasitology. 96: 968-71 |
Hamilton AM, Klein ER, Austin CC. (2010) Biogeographic breaks in vanuatu, A nascent oceanic archipelago Pacific Science. 64: 149-159 |
Hamilton AM, Zug GR, Austin CC. (2010) Biogeographic anomaly or human introduction: A cryptogenic population of tree skink (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Cook Islands, Oceania Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 100: 318-328 |
Hamilton AM, Hartman JH, Austin CC. (2009) Island area and species diversity in the southwest Pacific Ocean: Is the lizard fauna of Vanuatu depauperate? Ecography. 32: 247-258 |