James Alfieri

2018- Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
"James Alfieri"
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Sylvester T, Hoover Z, Hjelmen CE, et al. (2024) A reference quality genome assembly for the Jewel scarab Chrysina gloriosa. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Blackmon H, Jonika MM, Alfieri JM, et al. (2024) Drift drives the evolution of chromosome number I: The impact of trait transitions on genome evolution in Coleoptera. The Journal of Heredity
Rice ES, Alberdi A, Alfieri J, et al. (2023) A pangenome graph reference of 30 chicken genomes allows genotyping of large and complex structural variants. Bmc Biology. 21: 267
Alfieri JM, Hingoranee R, Athrey GN, et al. (2023) Domestication is Associated with Increased Interspecific Hybrid Compatibility in Landfowl (Order: Galliformes). The Journal of Heredity
Alfieri JM, Jonika MM, Dulin JN, et al. (2023) Tempo and Mode of Genome Structure Evolution in Insects. Genes. 14
Smith J, Alfieri JM, Anthony N, et al. (2023) Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenetic and Genome Research
Alfieri JM, Johnson T, Linderholm A, et al. (2023) Genomic investigation refutes record of most diverged avian hybrid. Ecology and Evolution. 13: e9689
Jonika MM, Alfieri JM, Sylvester T, et al. (2022) Why not Y naught. Heredity
Alfieri JM, Wang G, Jonika MM, et al. (2022) A Primer for Single-Cell Sequencing in Non-Model Organisms. Genes. 13
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