Brooke L. Talley, PhD

Zoology Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 
Amphibian disease ecology
"Brooke Talley"


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Karen R. Lips grad student 2007-2014 SIU Carbondale
 (Host-pathogen ecology: Effects of species ecology and environmental factors on the intensity and distribution of disease among Illinois amphibians.)
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Talley BL, Muletz CR, Vredenburg VT, et al. (2015) A century of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Illinois amphibians (1888-1989) Biological Conservation. 182: 254-261
Miller DAW, Talley BL, Lips KR, et al. (2012) Estimating patterns and drivers of infection prevalence and intensity when detection is imperfect and sampling error occurs Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 3: 850-859
Talley BL, Lips KR, Ballard SR. (2011) Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Siren intermedia in Illinois, USA Herpetological Review. 42: 216-217
Talley BL, Crisman TL. (2007) Leaf litterbag sampling for larval plethodontid salamander populations in Georgia Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 132: 509-515
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