Antoine Barreaux

Bristol University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 
"Antoine Barreaux"
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Mackay AJ, Yan J, Kim CH, et al. (2023) Larval diet and temperature alter mosquito immunity and development: using body size and developmental traits to track carry-over effects on longevity. Parasites & Vectors. 16: 434
Whittle M, Bonsall MB, Barreaux AMG, et al. (2023) A theoretical model for host-controlled regulation of symbiont density. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Whittle M, Barreaux AMG, Bonsall MB, et al. (2021) Insect-host control of obligate, intracellular symbiont density. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 288: 20211993
Barreaux AMG, Stone CM, Barreaux P, et al. (2018) The relationship between size and longevity of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (s.s.) depends on the larval environment. Parasites & Vectors. 11: 485
Barreaux AM, Barreaux P, Thomas MB, et al. (2017) Inoculating Anopheles gambiae Mosquitoes with Beads to Induce and Measure the Melanization Immune Response. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Barreaux AMG, Barreaux P, Thievent K, et al. (2016) Larval environment influences vector competence of the malaria mosquito . Malariaworld Journal. 7: 8
Barreaux AM, Barreaux P, Koella JC. (2016) Overloading the immunity of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae with multiple immune challenges. Parasites & Vectors. 9: 210
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