Michelle L. Osborn

2006-2013 Comparative Biomedical Sciences Louisiana State University, School of Veterinary Medicine 
"Michelle Osborn"
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Osborn ML, Cornille JL, Blas-Machado U, et al. (2021) The equine navicular apparatus as a premier enthesis organ: Functional implications. Veterinary Surgery : Vs. 50: 713-728
Osborn ML, Homberger DG. (2015) The Human Shoulder Suspension Apparatus: A Causal Explanation for Bilateral Asymmetry and a Fresh Look at the Evolution of Human Bipedality. Anatomical Record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007). 298: 1572-88
Homberger DG, Ham K, Ogunbakin T, et al. (2009) The structure of the cornified claw sheath in the domesticated cat (Felis catus): implications for the claw-shedding mechanism and the evolution of cornified digital end organs. Journal of Anatomy. 214: 620-43
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